Why ČBI?
There is great need in the church today, as in every age, to equip men and women for the work of the ministry. To be properly equipped for the great task of serving Christ’s church, Christians and leaders must build their ministry upon the foundation of God’s inspired and inerrant Word. So we seek to earnestly and humbly be a part of the process of raising up such servants of Christ for local churches.
The Czech Bible Institute is unique because of its base in the local church. At times theological education is done apart from the local church, and it can leave a chasm between theological knowledge and practical application. Our desire is to emphasize the need to practice what is learned in class. Students at ČBI will have the opportunity to study at the sbor BJB Kromeriz and serve in the church, as well as serve in their home church during their studies. Students will be mentored by their teachers and pastors, and will be taught how to put into practice what they are taught in the classroom.
Students at the ČBI will be taught that God’s Word is the final and authoritative guide for life and Christian ministry. Through their studies they will be equipped to deepen their study and understanding of God’s inspired and inerrant Word. They will also be taught to pursue excellence and holy character in their lives and ministry. Students in the second and third level programs will learn how to expound God’s Word.
Men who are involved in the ministry usually are not able to give up their service in the church and career in order to attain a biblical education. For these men, the unique schedule of the ČBI is especially suitable because of a combined distance-education program, monthly classroom instruction, and cooperation with the local church.
To glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and serve the local church through partnering together to teach and equip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry.