Category: Czech Biblical Institut


In the Czech Republic the CBI exists as an extension of educational association Didasko and a ministry of the church Křesťané Kroměříž. The CBI is a member of the association of Bible...

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Prayer Requests Please pray regularly for: our ministry our teachers our students our upcoming seminars and conference more training resources Donation If you would like to help financially support the training of men and women...

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All of our faculty are involved in full-time local church ministry. They are men who have received theological training and are experienced as pastors and teachers of God’s Word. Lance Roberts, D.Min., director of ČBI...

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About us

Why ČBI? There is great need in the church today, as in every age, to equip men and women for the work of the ministry. To be properly equipped for the great task of serving Christ’s church, Christians and leaders must...

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